Our Lighting Up Lake Victoria Programme Has Won An Award

November 14, 2017

Energy Institute’s Community Initiative Award

We are delighted to announce that Renewable World has won the 2017 Energy Institute award for Community Initiative for our Lighting Up Lake Victoria programme.

Lake Victoria is the second largest freshwater lake in the world, providing income for almost 2 million people. Despite its economic importance, just 7.7% of fishing communities are supplied by electricity. Expensive kerosene lamps are used in houses, businesses and for night time fishing, polluting the atmosphere and causing high levels of respiratory illnesses, especially among women and girls.

With no energy and limited opportunity, communities are trapped in a cycle of poverty.

Our ongoing work in Kenya is focused on providing communities with Energy Hubs (solar microgrids) that allow them to gain access to clean solar energy, as well as to reduce pollution, reduce household energy costs, increase income from micro-businesses, and improve access to information and telecommunications.

Once the Energy Hubs we provide are installed, they are directly managed by the community, effectively becoming community-run enterprises.

Our Programme Reporting and Grants Manager Helen Russell, along with UK Events and Fundraising Officer Emily Jesshope attended the rather swanky ceremony at the Sheraton Piccadilly in London on Thursday 9 November to receive the award in person.

It is a real honour to receive such fantastic recognition from the energy industry for the work we do to help lift people out of poverty through renewable energy. What inspires us most about this model is that communities that are often forgotten become proud owners and managers of their own utility system that dramatically transforms their lives.

Helen and Emily accepting the Energy Institute Community Initiative Award.

Read more about our past and ongoing work in Kenya by clicking the button below.