We are passionate about creating a sustainable and fairer future, and the climate emergency requires urgent action from all of us to reduce emissions as much and as quickly as possible.

We estimate that our projects have avoided over 30,000 tonnes of CO2 that would otherwise be in the atmosphere. But as well as reducing climate emissions and supporting climate adaptation through deploying clean energy solutions and know-how, we need to minimise our direct and indirect emissions.

While we believe in taking bold action, as an INGO, we need to ensure that every pound delivers the greatest developmental impact. This requires a balanced and phased approach.

We follow the carbon management hierarchy:

  1. Avoid: avoid carbon intensive activities and actions.
  2. Reduce: undertake activities with improved efficiency, reuse and reduction.
  3. Replace: replace high carbon activities or sources with low carbon solutions.
  4. Offset: offset or sequester emissions that cannot be otherwise eliminated.

Since 2022, we have taken several practical steps to reduce our impact, including:

  • Avoiding flying where possible, tracking our air miles, and never flying internally in the UK.
  • Using renewable energy to power our UK office.
  • Recycling our UK waste.
  • Reducing printing and using recycled paper.
  • Offsetting emissions from international flights.

Our approach to sustainability is overseen by our Ethics, Sustainability and Governance (ESG) Committee which meets quarterly.